On the Future of Email Security
Introducing GateScanner Mail Gateway
An interview with Yakov Yeroslav, CEO of Sasa Software

YY: Large enterprises have responded to the growing complexity of cyber-threats by implementing multiple security tools chained in a row. This practice has its problems. Redundancies are inevitably created and there is a growing realization that having more tools in line doesn't always equal having more security.
Maintaining multiple tools also adds significant overhead to the IT team, with more components to update, more contracts to maintain and more integrations to constantly review and reconfigure.
We are hearing more and more from our clients about their need for a consolidation of the security tools, and we chose to start with email security since it is the leading and most vulnerable attack surface for most organizations.
GateScanner Mail Gateway offers a comprehensive solution that seamlessly bundles together all email security capabilities available today on the market, including AI (in partnership with SentinelOne). Equipped with a central management console, a suite of fully-integrated modules gives network administrators unprecedented control over the scope and depth of processing, allowing them to customize file-sanitization levels for each network, and user-profile, individually.
We believe GateScanner Mail Gateway is the most comprehensive and advanced email security solution for enterprises today, and the only one offering full-cycle Content Disarm & Reconstruction file sanitization capability, as an integral part of the solution
Q: What
does 'full-cycle
Content Disarm and Reconstruction' mean?
YY: It means
that GateScanner dissembles each
email and attachment to their
basic building blocks. Each piece is then separately de-constructed
, scanned and reconstructed, and then the entire email is
into a completely new message. GateScanner's
to reformulate the original email into a completely new and
identical copy, sets it apart from other solutions, and gives it
extraordinary malware obstruction capabilities.
even tackles encrypted attachments, by prompting users - as an
integral part of
the file sanitization process - to self-decrypt the attachment and
in this way ensures
that no attachment skips processing.
Q: What
does the future
hold for email?
YY: I believe email will
continue to be
the main channel of business communication in the foreseeable
future and
therefore it will continue to be a major target for cyber-attacks,
with a growing
potential to cause serious disruption, up to complete shutdown of
operations. As far as email
security response, we
expect to see a growing reliance on AI, especially for
anti-phishing purposes. GateScanner
Mail gateway is the natural evolution of our already proven email
security solution,
GateScanner Mail, five years and
Keywords: Secure email gateway, secure mail gateway, email gateway security, GateScanner mail gateway, Content disarm and reconstruction, Business email compromise (BEC)