Unidirectional data diode for network isolation
PRODUCTS GateScanner Injector – Unidirectional gateways for network segmentation

Sample deployment topologies:
GateScanner Injector – Unidirectional gateways for network segregation
GateScanner® Injector complements the GateScanner suite of network security tools with a unidirectional diode-based gateway. Unidirectional gateways, also known as optical data diodes, are physical devices that allow data to travel between networks in one direction only, preventing data from being extracted from the destination network.
GateScanner Injector integrates seamlessly with other GateScanner products to offer a complete data-sanitization and DLP solution at the gateway.

GateScanner Injector’s software features:
- Installed on Windows (Receiver requires >100Mb SSD and Windows 2012 R2 Server installed).
- Transmission verification
- "Network Restrain" and "Double Send" options to minimize packet loss.
- Automatic hourly transmission from/to specified directories
- Email notification and activity logging
- User-scheduled retention periods for transmitted and failed transmission files.
- User defined size-limits for transmit and receive directories with email alerts when size limits are reached
- Supported protocols: SMB, Syslog, SMTP, STMP, TCP, UDP
GateScanner Injector’s hardware specifications:
- GateScanner Injector features 100/1000 Base Copper-to-Fiber conversion via optical transmitter and receiver, and control software.
- Transfer rates: 1Gb (up to 120Gb/hr) 100Mb (up to 35Gb/hr)
- Supplied with: Tx + Rx Hardware Optical cable (100Mb / 1Gb) Tx + Rx Software